kyiv podcast

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Slip 'n' slide into summer

Another side trip to Prague provided a big injection of happiness this podcast.

We even tried a simultaneous podcast with Assbot 4000, which also featured guests Michael, Dj Needles and Dj Telephone, aka Ned.
Some ewoks stuck their head inside the door and even Celine Dion made a guest appearance. Lucky for you this isn't a vodcast, because she is one seriously uncoordinated dancer, anyway, click on the link to check out what she imagines to be rock moves.
Anyone else who is interested in music made on toys should click on the link to see the 'wheel experience' video :)
A super big shout to the gang in Prague, what a bloody great time it was.

Let's listen: Slip 'n' slide into summer

Tam!: Ukrajina
The Editors : Smokers outside the hospital doors
Air: Alpha Beta Gaga
Younnat: Wheel Experience
Younnat: How are you
Bonaparte: Anti anti
Peter Bjorn and John: Young folks
2Sleepy: Sweet Dreams