kyiv podcast

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hamster hunt

Summer is the best-est time of the year. The rest is filler.
So whilst we are still in the season of shirt-sleeves and windows open, here are some nice tunes to assist all that smiling.
I have also been working a lot, which means thinking a lot, and to compensate tried to do 'downtime' on the brain in the evening by watching 'A shot at love with Tequila Tequila' (second series).
One journalist called it the lowest point in any form of television ever. The review totally matches the product, but if you want to experience that Ignatious O'Reilly style reeling at how offensive and vaccuous pop culture can get, Tila is where it can be found.

But what about the music??
Transgressing limits of space and time, we've got a bit of everything again.

Let's listen!


Tila Tequila- Stripper Friends
Hidden Cameras- I believe in the Good of Life
2Sleepy- Miss Galaxy
Katya Chilli- Ya Molodaya
Bonaparte- Who took the pill
Gogol Bordello- Ultimate
Simon and Garfunkle- the Only living boy in New York
Aesthetic Education- Machine
Ivan Samshit- Aviator
Curtis Mayfield- Superfly